“Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to Will and to do for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:12-13) NKJV.
Thur. 5/2/2015
Having God’s Perspective
1 Cor. 2:9-16
An immature Christian or someone who has not totally yielded his life to God does not have the capacity to understand spiritual things. He operates at the natural realm and cannot connect with spiritual matters, which originate from God. But the mature Christian has the Holy Spirit dwelling in him. The Holy Spirit knows God’s thoughts, plans and perspectives. The Holy Spirit – given that the Christian might realise and comprehend and appreciate the things of God – reveals to the mature Christian these things about God. The mature Christian is, therefore, able to understand the things that God is doing in his life and in the life of those around him. While others become perplexed by things that appear inexplicable around them, the mature Christian is able to decipher those things and is able to cooperate with God to bring His purpose to pass.
Point of Emphasis: Only the mature Christian can understand and appreciate the things of God.
Prayer Point: Holy Spirit, enlarge my capacity to understand spiritual things around me.
JEUDI 05/02/2015
1CO. 2:9-16
Un chrétien immature ou quelqu’un qui n’a pas encore entièrement cédé sa vie à Dieu n’a pas la capacité de comprendre les choses spirituelles. Il opère dans le domaine du naturel et ne peut pas se connecter aux questions spirituelles qui tirent leur origine de Dieu. Mais le chrétien mûr a le Saint-Esprit qui vit en lui. Le Saint-Esprit connaît les pensées de Dieu, ses plans et ses perspectives. Le Saint-Esprit – à supposer que le chrétien puisse réaliser, comprendre et apprécier les choses qui ressortent de Dieu – révèle au chrétien mûr ces choses au sujet de Dieu. Le chrétien mûr est donc capable de comprendre les choses que Dieu fait dans sa vie et dans la vie de ceux qui sont autour de lui. Quand les autres deviennent perplexes devant les choses qui paraissent inexplicables autour d’eux, le chrétien mûr est en mesure de déchiffrer ces choses et est capable de coopérer avec Dieu pour faire réaliser son dessein (celui de Dieu).
Point essentiel : Seul le chrétien mûr peut comprendre et apprécier les choses de Dieu.
Axe de prière : Saint-Esprit, élargis ma capacité à piger les choses spirituelles autour de moi.
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