The Moderator for day five is Pastor Gbenga Ayejuyole (RP 12). He invited the praise team to lead the congregation into the presence of God through praises. Thereafter the Morning Supplication tagged Divine resolution of all family related problems and marital delays among matured young people was taken by Pastor Emmanuel Oyegoke (DP Agege). Then the Congregational Song: G.H.B 291 was rendered. There was different supplication that took place one after the other, they are:
Supplication for Nigeria led by Pastor I.N Jinadu.
Prayer for our Church Pastor Aina
Prayer for The Reorganization of Nigeria led by Pastor J.K Akinola
Service Offering was collected by Pastor Prof. Olurinola
Pastor P.B Ewenla introduced the General overseer as the speaker for the main teaching part. We are all called to work, we are all saved to serve. Said the General Overseer
Amazing Grace and Christian Stewardship
You have been saved to serve, it should begin from your local assembly. You don’t need a title to witness. It is not that the church cannot grow without position. Whatever you can do very well, do it, that is the grace of God for you. If you have nothing to do in the church that means you have not been saved. Mathew 6.
There are five-fold ministry gift and grace.
Apostle- plant and govern
They lay the foundation of new local churches and see to it that they come into full maturity.
Prophet- Guide
They reveal God’s heart to the people, giving guidance to individuals and the body, giving revelation, as well as interpretation, application and timing.
Evangelist- Gather
They carry great burdens for those who are not a part of the kingdom of God yet, and an anointing to preach the gospel to them that comes with great conviction and draws them to the Lord
The pastor is the heart of the church. He is the shepherd who deeply cares for his sheep, ready to lay down everything for them.
Teacher- Ground
They teach and edify the church
Your gift is not for personal consumption; it is for the church. Don’t use your gift with pride
What could constitute pride?
Only wanting to perform your task when there are big events
Performing tasks only when you’d be seen
Seeking credit and glory for yourself either overtly or subtly
Refusing to listen to leaders
The general overseer after the teaching prayed for various group of people. After which Pastor S.A Abiodun, one of the patriarchs of the church said the benediction.
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