These two (2) words “ONLY BELIEVE”. What are the benefits of these two (2) words in my life? This question is to be answered through this text Mark 5 vs. 36b.
Jesus does not separate anytime for healing and miracles because he does the both together.
If you believe it will positively affect you, benefits and make you try to share your testimony to others not waiting for others testimony before you can make a move about yours.
Questions to be answered are:
How will I believe?
What do I believe?
What to believe?
Expansion of the questions above:
Believe by hearing, listening, and obeying the word of God. Romans 10 vs 17
Faith comes by hearing; confident of what we hope for, giving us assurance of what we have not seen. Hebrew 1 vs 1&2. Faith is a bucket that draws water out of the well of God. According to the General Overseer’s definition of FAITH “Faith is giving what you cannot see, in order to see what you can believe”.
Believe is making impossibility possible
Believe is a currency that can make you receive from God.
v In God
v In Jesus the son of God. John 14 vs 1
v In the word of God.
v Believe in the word of God; psalms 138 vs 2 because the word is truth, life and power.
v John 6 vs 63; healing of the sick, psalms 107 vs 20, believe in the word because he is the greatest physician.
v He is able to do what we can’t imagine because he is ready to surprise us through his words.
v Matthew 8 vs 5 – 10; taking God as his words.
Definition of “BELIEVE” can be divided in two (2) words which is BE – LIVE “When you believe in the word of God, you will BE and LIVE what God wants you to be”.
Believe a genuine servant of God; who preaches and teaches the word of God according to the way God want it. Isaiah 8 vs 20, using Jehoshaphat as an example to portray the genuine word of God.
I am blessed