I really love this site,wonderful design and its simple also,thumbs up to u guys.NAYOCO 2014 is a great blessing to me personally.God really made Himself real in the programme.From Daddy Usenus opening charge to DGO’s wonderful teaching to Mr Wale Ajani’s talk……GREAT STUFF.IM PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF GOFAMINT
It was so sad that i didn’t made it up to NAYOCO, all because i was on the sick bed, but glory be to God because now, am strong in the Lord. Sincerely, i really missed the program.
I really love this site,wonderful design and its simple also,thumbs up to u guys.NAYOCO 2014 is a great blessing to me personally.God really made Himself real in the programme.From Daddy Usenus opening charge to DGO’s wonderful teaching to Mr Wale Ajani’s talk……GREAT STUFF.IM PROUD TO BE A MEMBER OF GOFAMINT
It was so sad that i didn’t made it up to NAYOCO, all because i was on the sick bed, but glory be to God because now, am strong in the Lord. Sincerely, i really missed the program.